On the occasion of MIART 2022 The Seekers of Light, Giuliana Cunéaz 3D film, is an inspirational element for young talents of Accademia Kataklò live performance of music and dance which interacts directly with the artwork. The event comes with a talk with Giulia Staccioli, founder of Kataklò Athletic Dance Theatre and Aida Accolla, ex lead dancer of Scala.

The Seekers of Light is part of the exhibition C’è tanto spazio laggiù in fondo that is  visible till 2nd of April at MEET Digital Culture Center, the first International Center for Digital Art and Culture born in Milan with Fondazione Cariplo support.

Giuliana Cunéaz explores the creative possibilities that comes from the intersection of art, science and technology , a theme which represents the mainstay of MEET program even when it is a way to discover and exhibit what is not immediately visible with innovative languages.