Sabrina Zannier


“After having focused her efforts on the completeness of the work, Giuliana Cunéaz felt the need to disseminate it in space, to extend its scope beyond objective limits. This all coincides with a sort of reflection on her own identity, increasingly seen from a perspective of complexity and change … this desire is then compounded by the only apparently antinomian need to rationalise the irrational, to develop, basically, the emotional afflatus in the form of a project, or better of a process of scientific worth; not to restrict normally chaotic things and extraordinary events in the paradigm of order, but to demonstrate the process of creative research. And so the formative process of the work of art and that relative to an individual’s identity, in this case that of the artist, face each other in a sort of parallelism”.

(from Il cervello nella vasca, Galleria B&D, Milan)