Adriano Antolini


“On the traces of ancient Celtic legends from the Valle d’Aosta, Giuliana Cunéaz has reconstructed a perfect itinerary through 24 locations that in the ancient times (but somehow still present) of the myths, were inhabited by mysterious powers. Let’s call them fairies. The experience that the artist is inviting us to take part in is a threshold experience, that enables us to glimpse, to perceive a difference, a distance. It is not, and in any event it could not be, a full awareness. Here we find ourselves faced with an allusion, the hint of a force, that is never, clearly, expressed in terms of power as if it were a real energy. The awareness we are invited to experience is a symbolic awareness. And the symbol, as Jung stated, is the best form of expression for that which has not yet emerged from the conscience. For something, therefore, that we catch a glimpse of, but that, in reality, remains beyond the threshold”.

(from Il silenzio delle fate [The silence of the fairies], Pheljna, Edizione d’Arte e Suggestione, Aosta)