Gillo Dorfles


“Giuliana Cunéaz has a profound and innate sensitivity to encounters and contamination with nature and things: an innate fondness for certain materials, constant attention on certain contrasts of matter, on certain locations…The artist has grasped the importance of the “real” and “live” representation of an event or of a bodily area provided with its rhythms, its functions, its “vital pulsations”; and this all from a much more participant and respectful perspective than those of many examples of Body Art (Gina Pane, Gunther Brus, Vito Acconci etc.) where corporeality was mangled, violated, vilified or shamelessly exhibited…Allow me to judge this work as a portent of a new and, in fair part, original realization of the future of today’s visual art, and perhaps of that of the near future”.

(from In Corporea Mente, edizione Regione Autonoma Valle d’Aosta)