Sabrina Zannier
The Seekers of Light by Giuliana Cunéaz is a choral work, a cathedral of the thinking body and the emotive mind; it is a pervasive, immersive, imaginative and magical techno-organic spiral that ravishes the viewer into an energetic exploratory circuit capable of enfolding in the same
conceptual, emotional and sensorial embrace the most urgent issues concerning identity – individual and social – and the environment. It is a virtuous research into the deep interstices that from the body & mind attain to multicultural and multi-ethnic values. From management of environmental resources they arrive at the scenarios dictated by renewable energies, in the substantial recovery of that archaicity that considered the earth a great maternal womb.
(from Giuliana Cunéaz. I Cercatori di Luce, Armando Dadò Editore, Locarno)